Distant Reiki Positive Energy Healing Meditation "Diffuse Negative Blocks & Subconscious Negativity" by Meditation and Healing. This is 8 hours deep sleep distant energy healing meditation music composed with soothing pads and melody. This music helps you to diffuse all your negative energy and blocks to boost positive energy and vibes. This music helps you to enhance your positive thoughts and energy. You can use this long meditation session as a background while you are sleeping, healing, dreaming and relaxing. You can use this meditation music for reiki purposes as well. This reiki healing is distant healing created by us to help the people who are far from us. Meditation and Healing channel has been serving you the best meditation, relaxing and healing music to enhance your meditation skills. You can find different kind of relaxation, sleep, healing and meditation music here. Our music are composed with beautiful piano, flute melody, soothing pads, relaxing bells and many more. They include relaxing music that will help you to relief stress. Download our Albums Here: ITUNES ► Spotify ► CD BABY ► Please like, share and subscribe.
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