God's Glorious Grace by Carlston "Ray" Jackson
Ray Jackson did all the things boys in his low-income neighborhood did growing up. Sometimes, that led him into trouble. After turning sixteen, he realized he did not have a plan for his life and he joined the Army. Shortly thereafter, he was sent to Vietnam and found himself in the center of hell. When he was hospitalized and physically dead, he heard a voice say to him, “Go back and help people.” It turns out that Vietnam was the place God wanted him to be to get his attention and set him on a new path. Once back home, he was not the person he was before as he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and had difficulty communicating with others, including his family. But through God’s grace, he was able to confront his problems. Join the author as he looks back at the horrors of war and celebrates God’s incredible power in this heartfelt memoir. To learn more or order the book:
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