The Authenticity Compass by Pamela Bond

The Authenticity Compass by Pamela Bond

The need for truth and harmony in our lives, organizations, and communities is greater than ever before. Honest, effective discussions and responsible decisions are required to create positive change in our world. Together, we must find ways to bridge the gaps in the facts, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that provoke conflict, and reinforce behaviors that reflect the best in ourselves and humanity. Leaders must be champions of truth and take actions to encourage the well-being of our planet and its people. The Authenticity Compass supports these universal objectives. Every individual, organization, and government has a unique Authenticity Compass that points to its true purpose, unique strengths, and growth opportunities. Beginning with self assessment, The Authenticity Compass steps readers through proven methods that result in conscious choices to establish personal, organizational and global alignment and balance. Practical examples, illustrations, a myriad of exercises, and insightful journaling provide guidance to heighten self-awareness, develop essential skills, reduce stress, improve relationships, and ultimately increase one’s potential for happiness and wellbeing. Finding your Authenticity Compass creates a blueprint to promote sustainable cyles of success in your life, organizations, and world, and engages you in the conscious evolution of humanity. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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