Copia de Purification of the Heart, by Daniel and Agathi

Copia de Purification of the Heart, by Daniel and Agathi

The Heart is the door to Divinity. At the same time it is a collector of impure thoughts and images that bring us to the realisation that the essential next step in our existence is cleaning and purifying our heart. Daniel Mitel is the Custodian leader of the ancient The School of The Heart. Agathi is a speaker, workshop facilitator, trainer and coach, providing programs for individuals as well as for companies and executives. Agathi’s workshops and talks are focused on the importance of the heart, as she believes that this is the door that leads to true wisdom and oneness. Daniel shares a message of hope and possibility to anyone who wants to experience a new understanding of life; an understanding which comes from the heart.
Together they have designed workshops and courses to help people reconnect with their heart." -----------------INFORMATION ABOUT MINDALIA----------------- and Mindalia TV are a Non Profit Organization
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