Learn, Grow, Forgive by Dr. Donna Marks

Learn, Grow, Forgive by Dr. Donna Marks

After thirty years of personal and professional healing, Dr. Donna Marks has developed a three-step process that offers a path to freedom from bondage. Learn, Grow, Forgive is written for those of you stuck in a pattern you can’t break. It provides you with a way out of the maze. Marks shows you how to change an insane mind-set from doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results to a new sanity, doing the same thing over and over again and getting different results. Learn, Grow, Forgive helps you discover the origins of your unbreakable patterns, shows you how to grow beyond the emotional blocks that have entrapped you, and allows you to forgive—the doorway to lasting happiness. Marks’s three-step process describes in detail how you can take any situation in your life and move it from the failure column to the success column. You’ll understand how all your experiences are perfectly designed to give your life meaning and purpose. No matter what’s happened, you can heal, you can be happy, and you can love yourself in a way no one can take away. To learn more or order the book:
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