Legendary Psychologist Adam Grant on Why Leadership is All About Humility, Integrity and Adaptation

Legendary Psychologist Adam Grant on Why Leadership is All About Humility, Integrity and Adaptation

This episode is sponsored by Mack Weldon. For 20% off your first order, visit https://mackweldon.com/tom AND ENTER PROMO CODE: tom What are the universal principles of leadership? Organizational psychologist and best-selling author Adam Grant is devoted to answering that powerful question. And on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, he lays out the most fundamental aspects of a good leader. Adam and Tom discuss humility, integrity and the importance of being a giver, not a taker. They also delve deep into the idea of “cognitive entrenchment”, which is a deadly trap that everyone has to deal with, no matter how educated, informed, or driven they are. SHOW NOTES: What are the universal principles of leadership? [1:29]
Are you a giver or a taker? [2:42]
Adam explains how to be successful as a giver, and the main traps to avoid [4:31]
If you want to lead, you must keep people’s attention on the message, not on you [6:30]
A leader is like a shepherd, very rarely out in front of the flock [10:03]
Adam describes the skills leaders need to acquire, and the criticism they need to seek [13:12]
Adam explains why he works so hard to avoid getting caught up in being right [17:01]
Teams who have too many superstars don’t win championships [20:53]
The leader of a team is often the person who most exemplifies what the group stands for [24:48]
Adam describes “cognitive entrenchment” where experts get mentally stuck [25:37]
Tom and Adam discuss the need for hyper-specific goals and testable hypotheses [28:47]
Is there a point where the constant need for personal growth actually becomes harmful? [33:33]
Tom talks about being a synthesizer, instead of being the thinker of original thoughts [37:13]
Do you care about what you want to say, or about what people will actually hear? [40:36]
Adam talks about why he doesn’t always follow his intuition [42:04] QUOTES: “People will say, look, you have to practice what you preach. I actually think leaders should be doing the reverse, which is to say, “I am only gonna preach what I already practice.” [3:58] “One of the fundamental mistakes that a lot of leaders make is they develop a style and then they stick to that style. But the whole point of leadership is flexibility and adaptability.” [11:12] “If people just praise you over and over again, you’re only going to repeat the excellence you’ve already achieved.” [14:10] FOLLOW: WEBSITE: https://www.adamgrant.net
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