Personal Trainer Reveals the Mental Obstacles You Create When Getting in Shape | Drew Manning

Personal Trainer Reveals the Mental Obstacles You Create When Getting in Shape | Drew Manning

Are you struggling to kickstart your fitness journey? Has 2020 knocked you back and you’re finding it difficult to get back up and push yourself physically and mentally? On this episode of Health Theory, Tom Bilyeu is joined by health and fitness expert Drew Manning to discuss such matters and more as they explore Drew’s incredible journey of going from fit to fat to forty and what he’s learned along the way. They discuss the unique struggles people face when out of shape, overweight, or living an unhealthy lifestyle, how to approach body image in a healthy way, why we self-sabotage ourselves when starting out on a fitness journey, how to understand our self-worth, how to become more self-aware, why doing hard things is good both mentally and physically for us, and the importance of finding a community to struggle with along the way. SHOW NOTES: Fit 2 Fat | Drew shares why he is once again going through his extreme transformation. [0:55]
Struggle | Drew shares why people have such difficult experiences when overweight. [3:50]
Body Talk | Drew shares how he approaches discussing body image with his daughters. [5:42]
Parenting | Drew discusses parenting and the curveballs he faces. [8:46]
Physical | Drew discusses why he pushes his children to explore athletics and sports. [10:26]
Drive | Drew shares where his drive for pursuing health comes from. [12:22]
Differences | Drew discusses the differences in feeling healthy and unhealthy. [13:38]
Self-Sabotage | Drew discusses our internal critic that holds us back from going further. [16:45]
Self-Worth | Drew shares how you can develop self-worth and stop self-sabotaging. [19:00]
Self-Awareness | Drew shares ways you can practice becoming more self-aware. [20:50]
Hard Things | Drew discusses the power of doing hard things. [22:08]
Running 100 Miles | Drew shares his inspiring journey of running 100 miles. [23:38]
Diets | Drew shares how people do diets improperly. [28:10]
Blood Work | Drew discusses the importance of tracking your blood work. [31:27]
Hormones | Drew shares how eating unhealthy has affected his libido. [33:00]
Why? | Drew shares what drives him to ultimately return back to his healthy ways. [34:43]
Pushback | Drew discusses why the first two-weeks are the hardest when starting out. [36:01]
Not Alone | Drew shares the importance of finding your community in your journey. [38:05]
Keto | Drew explains his approach to the Mediterranean ketogenic diet. [39:04]
Comparisons | Drew discusses the blood results he will be comparing while dieting. [42:27]
Connect | Drew shares where you can follow his journey and how to connect with him. [43:01] QUOTES: “What happens is, as we grow up, I think we become attached to our thoughts, we become attached to our stories, and we become attached to our emotions. And so in those moments, we’re just being pulled in all these different directions based off of how we react to situations…” [19:09] “There was this other part in my head that said, “Look, this is gonna suck. It sucks right now. This is uncomfortable. This feels like hell, but guess what? All this hell, all this pain is temporary.”” [27:14] “It’s not about getting ‘the body,’ it’s about falling in love with the process because you’re worth it. Not because you hate yourself and you want to look skinny, but because you’re worth it to live a healthy lifestyle.” [37:51] FOLLOW DREW:

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