Undercover Billionaire Glenn Stearns on What It REALLY Takes to be SUCCESSFUL | Impact Theory

Undercover Billionaire Glenn Stearns on What It REALLY Takes to be SUCCESSFUL | Impact Theory

This episode is sponsored by Skillshare. The first 1000 people to use this link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/tombilyeu06211 Do you believe that starting a business with nothing is possible? The American Dream is typically defined as the idea that the opportunity of achieving your highest aspirations is possible for anyone willing to put in the work. Glenn Stearns, producer and star of the Discovery show, Undercover Billionaire, put himself to the test with $100, no contacts, no help, and just 90 days to build a million dollar business because he deeply believes the American Dream is still alive and possible. Although the playing field is not equal for everyone in every opportunity, it is still possible. Glenn’s story is shocking and relatable for many because his honesty and vulnerability shows that attitude and belief are still king in how you decide to live your life and make moves. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction
1:22 | Glenn Stearns’ Story
5:21 | What Is The American Dream?
6:55 | The Pathway To Make It
9:36 | How Glenn Created His Path
11:24 | Be Fearless Asking Questions
14:53 | Focusing On The Lessons
17:20 | Surrounded by Smarter People
20:29 | Cancer Shifts Glenn’s Focus
22:45 | Starting Undercover Billionaire
31:15 | Developing Grit
32:57 | Hardship of Business Lessons
34:45 | Running Against the Crowd
38:12 | Opportunities In Adversity
42:26 | Leading With Vulnerability
45:35 | Making Quick Business Pivots
47:36 | How to be Unreasonable QUOTES: “It's in the middle of my deepest fog. I had my clearest, you know, kind of aha moment of, I don't want to do this anymore.” [4:46] “Happiness to me is not about money, it's about the satisfaction that you are doing something larger with your life and feeling very confident in the fact that you are leaving a mark in the world.” [5:39] “It may be hard [...] but there is a path if you really surround yourself with the right people” [8:07] “I found that these older, successful people, they want to give back, they want to tell their story, but a lot of people when they're young, think they don't want to talk to me. [...] and it couldn’t be farther from the truth, if you just ask,” [10:47] “What you gotta do is be good at being you. You don't have to be somebody else. And your transparency or your authenticity, it will reveal itself.” [13:09] “As life went on, I realized what I thought was horrible became wonderful.” [15:36] “Life is not easy. When you do get into a hole, it's not about laying there and feeling like the victim. It's about getting up and pulling yourself up out of the hole and figuring it out.” [23:38] “The ones that are successful, [...] they fight through the pain, they stay later, they work through it, they sacrifice, and then they feel proud because it works.” [29:55] “I don't like to lead with success. I like to lead with vulnerability” [31:59] “There’s little things that other people see as problems and it's pretty clear that there's an opportunity right here.” [34:17] “When everyone dove out the window. I thought, look at all of this opportunity.” [35:56] “Even more valuable than placing unreasonable demands and pushing people is telling people you believe in them” [50:49] Follow Glen Stern:
Website: https://www.glennstearns.com/
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/glennstearns/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GlennStearns/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC-3gGP3f-8D93UimKiaBoQ

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