This Is How You TRAIN Your BRAIN for Success | Tom Bilyeu

This Is How You TRAIN Your BRAIN for Success | Tom Bilyeu

This episode is sponsored by Blinkist. Go to Try it FREE for 7 days and save 25% off your new subscription. I’m teaching a LIVE workshop later this November to teach you how to make ANY goal stick. Look - the truth is, most people never come close to achieving their goals - and it’s not because they’re not smart enough, or not worthy. It’s because they aren’t using the right strategies to stick to doing the work that’s going to lead to their success. Make no mistake, achieving goals is a PROCESS - that means you can learn it and get better at it. To join me and register your seat, go to If you’ve ever spent even a moment kicking yourself and wondering why you get stuck in negative thoughts, or wondering why everyone else seems to have the success you don’t have, this is for you. If succeeding came naturally, the self help industry wouldn’t be a $10 billion plus gold mine, and you’d be successful already. Tom is breaking down 5 simple strategies you can actually implement today to start training your brain for success. Forget what you thought you knew about being successful. If you are not mentally prepared for the setbacks, the anxiety, and the difficulties that come along with the cost of just living, then you’re setting yourself up for failure by default. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction
0:26 | Shift Your Negative Mindset
9:12 | Accelerate Your Learning
11:27 | Control The Dopamine Addiction
19:49 | Go Hard Or Soft on Yourself?
23:09 | Get Over Yourself QUOTES: “Start some sort of visualization of things going well, instead of going wrong. You only get anxious when you imagine things going wrong” [8:40] “You have to refine your rules, so that you can be very clear about what you do and what you don't do.” [13:25] “Once you understand that dopamine is actually triggering the desire to pursue it, then you're more likely to be able to break that pattern” [17:17] “When you can do something in the world that other people can't do that the world values, you will always be able to make a living.” [25:10]

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