Stop BEATING Yourself Up, Make BIG Changes, & Achieve Your Goals | Tom Bilyeu

Stop BEATING Yourself Up, Make BIG Changes, & Achieve Your Goals | Tom Bilyeu

Come join me inside my Discord server to stay up to date with the launch of The Avatar Project & be the first to learn about how you can participate! Go to and follow the instructions to get started! When you’re a high performer and someone on a mission to reach the highest levels of success, you have to set the bar ridiculously high and get after it. This becomes problematic for people when they’ve set unrealistic expectations and goals so high they start experiencing a sense of shame and failure. Can you set ridiculously high expectations and still be cool with imperfection? Tom reveals why it’s so important for you to do and believe that which moves you towards your goals. When aiming for perfection hinders your performance and ability to execute, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Being imperfect still allows you to achieve more than most ever will if you are willing to value the sincere pursuit of your goal over feeling good enough trying to avoid failure along the way. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction
0:21 | Perfectionism Doesn’t Serve You
5:30 | Value the Sincere Pursuit 10:19 | Is It Perfection or High Standards?
14:00 | How to Set Standards
18:42 | Constructive Self-Criticism QUOTES: “Kicking yourself in the ass is super powerful, but my rule is, I never do anything that diminishes my sense of self.” [5:52] “Reach for the farthest star in the world, but don't value yourself for whether or not you achieve it. Value yourself for the sincere pursuit…” [7:11] “Success cannot be guaranteed, struggle can. You will struggle. I cannot guarantee that you will be successful, but the juice is never going to be the success. It's never going to be the accolades.” [8:16] “You have a hole inside of you that can only be filled with progress, meaning, and purpose. It can't be filled with accomplishment” [9:23] “The desire for perfectionism is really fear that you're not good enough in failure.” [11:12] “If the job gets done at eight units of energy, you're better off applying the extra two units of energy to something else.” [15:31] “Aim to have a perfect career, which is full of failure, embarrassment, and just rich with hard on skill. That's perfection we're chasing.” [18:22] “We have to understand there's tremendous power in the dark side, but that it's a corrosive power, and that if you use it too much it will destroy the only thing in life that actually matters” [19:30] Follow Tom Bilyeu:
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