When Birds Sing by Arielle Spring

When Birds Sing by Arielle Spring

“I recommend this book to all who have experienced trauma or know someone who has.” - Maxwell Wagner “This will impact everyone that reads it. Life changing.” - Carey Benedict Arielle Spring was a sweet, small town girl with a promising future when her life took a drastic turn while in her early teens. Once her direction changed, she began a two-decades-long fall from grace into a dark world of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. In a candid yet inspiring memoir, Arielle Spring details her journey through abuse to the moment when a conscious awakening prompted her to discover a power greater than herself that led her to see her reality with new eyes and reclaim each precious, broken piece of herself. While disclosing how she began her ascent from trauma and shame to a liberating truth and freedom, Arielle reveals how she persevered through many difficulties, including homelessness, while relying on her faith in God to buoy her through her many harrowing experiences and ultimately return her to wholeness. When Birds Sing is the spiritually uplifting story of a small town girl’s heart-wrenching journey through trauma, abuse, and lost identity to a courageous, self-empowered transformation. To learn more or order the book:
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