The 5 F-Bombs by Jillian Potashnick

The 5 F-Bombs by Jillian Potashnick

Over a glass of wine (or three), my friends and I would find ourselves discussing the exact same topics that I’ve been hearing my fitness clients vent about for years. They all revolve around the constant female struggles I have affectionately labeled “the five F- bombs”—food, fitness, friends, family, and faith. Much like a seesaw, life has its ups, downs, and fun times along the way, no matter our age. This childhood playground pastime requires a combination of work, resistance, and balance, which actually relates to our everyday lives, and we never even knew it. Have you found yourself wondering things like:
What the hell am I going to make for dinner tonight?
How do I get motivated to fit back into my designer jeans?
I need to find my new adult girl-gang.
I’m trying to define my current family roles.
If there really is a God, why does chocolate taste so good and brussels sprouts taste so bad? If you can relate to having had any of these thoughts cross your mind, and I know you can, then this book is definitely for you. I have spent over a decade working in the fitness industry, training women of all ages. What I discovered was that we are all struggling with the same F-bombs on a daily basis. This is not a how-to book, as there isn’t only one way to defuse any of these bombs. It is merely a collection of stories, suggestions, and ideas that, like an all-you-can-eat Vegas buffet, you can add to your plate or pass right on by. The Five F-Bombs will take you on a lighthearted, humorous, and informative journey through the commonalities that women share and discuss with their female counterparts. You will laugh, you may cry, and hopefully you will even learn something cool along the way. Let the fun begin! To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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