Why You Need to Do Hard Things to Build Self-Respect | Humble the Poet on Conversations with Tom

Why You Need to Do Hard Things to Build Self-Respect | Humble the Poet on Conversations with Tom

This Episode is brought to you by: Check out Impact Theory University at: http://bit.ly/ImpactTheoryUniversityYT Welcome to another episode of Conversations with Tom, with guest Humble the Poet. On this episode, Tom and Humble go back and forth on truths and beliefs that anyone who wants to be successful at anything need to deeply internalize. They discuss the reality of taking risk, the way culture stacks on itself, how to buck the systems you disagree with, how to attain mastery at valuable skills, and how to make and save money. This is not a fluffy episode where they tell you what you want to hear. They go deep on their own fears and failures, and explain exactly how they turned their setbacks into success. SHOW NOTES: Humble describes his experience as an immigrant and his cultural history [1:16]
Humble discusses the difficulty and pay of being a teacher [3:14]
Humble doesn’t find value in complaining or even in venting [6:03]
What do you do when the world is way out of step with you? [7:22]
Humble talks about how culture stacked on itself in hip hop [9:05]
Humble describes his existential crisis when he realized he wanted to be an artist [11:06]
Tom and Humble discuss why they won’t “work their way up” in entertainment [12:39]
Tom and Humble discuss doing hard things to build self-respect [15:08]
Tom describes his fear of open water [19:09]
Humble explains how he avoided being a starving artist [22:54]
“The big strength I found was in admitting I f*cked up” [28:18]
Humble and Tom discuss taking risk and not quitting on your dreams [31:35]
Humble strongly stakes his claim that he is meant for hip hop [36:10]
Humble talks about getting a book published [41:48]
Humble describes exactly how he started to make money as an artist [45:00]
Tom and Humble discuss whether intelligence makes you happy [51:40]
Humble and Tom discuss the power of having a chip on your shoulder [56:43]
Humble and Tom discuss wanting to see other people win [1:05:09]
Tom advocates that money doesn’t change your self-image [1:11:27]
Humble advocates that the struggle to overcome fears never ends [1:14:23]
“True freedom exists only in discipline.” [1:18:55]
Humble describes his most important tattoos [1:25:17]
Humble discusses the power of unlearning things [1:26:35]
Tom and Humble advocate that it’s possible to be both content and ambitious [1:30:43] FOLLOW Humble The Poet: WEBSITE: https://www.humblethepoet.com INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2QfJHRr
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2CIDHbP
TWITTER: https://bit.ly/2Kl06jL

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