Rise of WOLFHOUND by Jamie D Salmon

Rise of WOLFHOUND by Jamie D Salmon

It is 1800 amid the Hawkesbury and Nepean wars as Andrew Lord and his friend, Aaron Hound, walk the Australian desert in search of a mysterious pyramid. As they battle the extreme elements, the two men soon realise that they are being followed by glowing dirt that eventually transforms into a blue humanoid. After the alien creature announces he is Ziii Caalsar, he asks the men to come with him. When a door appears in the middle of nowhere, the men descend into the earth where Andrew and Aaron learn that Ziii is an ally of the Patrolman race. Their Chief asks Andrew to become a guardian of the Multiverse, a set of finite and infinite universes, and to found an organization with the focus of protecting and safeguarding the entirety of the Multiverse from threats on an Interdimensional scale. As Andrew heads to the centre of the Multiverse with Aaron to recruit new members into the WOLFHOUND organisation, he has no idea what lies ahead, and when the pair pass away a few decades after its left with their one of their most loyal followers House Rangers to continue Andrew’s vision and legacy in order to ensure the protection of Multiverse and to uncover Andrew’s vision of an individual with the initials “JS” with an uncertain journey for their life. it is through this family the Stratocratic Republic Nation of WOLFHOUND evolved into a prominent Empire. In this science fiction adventure, two men create a Nation-like organisation comprised of many residents of the Multiverse with intent on safeguarding and protecting the Multiverse from Interdimensional threats. The adventures true beginning begins when an individual that calls himself Jaden Sinister was sought out by the current heads of state of the now Empire where he meets the likes of Felicity Toothpick and Anton Weber. Embark on this “Story of WOLFHOUND” with Jaden and Felicity; sharing their individual adventures and occasional shared adventures. To learn more or order the book:

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