This is How You LEVERAGE PAIN to Power SUCCESS

This is How You LEVERAGE PAIN to Power SUCCESS

Are you feeling you are lacking motivation or are unsure how to achieve your goals? Then head on over to There you can register and get access to a free workshop. Sustaining yourself mentally and physically through really tough challenges hurts because the discomfort of stretching yourself and pushing into the unknown is painful. The discipline of sticking through physical pain for example, has a reward that is more than physical. While pain often deters us and protects us from things that could harm us, it also is the secret to the mental rewards available on the other side of suffering endured. The cool thing about pain you can run from it and avoid it and remain the same, or you can tap into the pain and use it as one of your most powerful tools available to you that can lead to new levels of success you never knew were possible. Here are 4 ways to start tapping into the power of your pain, whether you've chosen the pain or the pain is involuntary. It can still be used to power-up. Jay Shetty’s full episode:
Mike Mutzel’s full episode:
Mark Manson’s full episode:
Dr. Rahul Jundial’s full episode: SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Pain
0:30 | Pain + Reflection
13:27 | Keep the Right Path
20:27 | Mental Health Efficiency
29:49 | Diet Changes the Mind QUOTES: “Most people think that life is about avoiding the pain. I'm here to tell you right now in a very controlled fashion. It is about really experiencing the pain, learning from it.” Tom Bilyeu [0:31] “The things that we tend to be passionate about, we don't even realize we're passionate about them because they seem so normal and obvious to us.” Mark Manson [8:29] “One of the most powerful heuristics is to simply instead of thinking about what benefits I want, in my life, I try to think about what problems do I want in my life?” Mark Manson [17:53] “People who find these rituals and habits that make them feel better, they become addicted to that, and they're constructive. And they're not pharmacologic” Dr. Rahul Jundial [23:05] “Being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start your self-awareness. Because the biggest challenge is that most of us don't know what we're listening to.” Jay Shetty [28:44] “Mind and diet will hold off dementia, and intermittent fasting might make you feel like you've had a cup of coffee, [...] it'll bring you to your most focus, to bring you to your most attentive.” Dr. Rahul Jundial [31:07] “If you don't do something that you actually respect, you're not going to develop the self respect. Working out, lifting, it's hard, It's difficult but you have to sustain effort.” Tom Bilyeu [32:05] “It's just such a complex ecosystem, and rather than feeling intimidated by that, to me, I just see opportunities on how people can, you know, improve their lives” Dr. Rahul Jundial [35:28] Follow Jay Shetty:
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