The Ayurveda Experiment by Varsana Lali Devi Dasi

The Ayurveda Experiment by Varsana Lali Devi Dasi

The Ayurveda Experiment: Phase I is a self-guided, twelve-week program that teaches others about conscious consumption and how to apply the principles of an ancient science of healing to achieve health, wellness, and life balance. In a twelve-week guide, Varsana offers personal stories intertwined with detailed guidelines and a variety of exercises that teach how to apply the principles of Ayurveda, an ancient holistic science of healing, to achieve life balance. Through her practical roadmap, others will learn about the five elements in the body, the disease process, and how to take inventory of physical imbalances, observe habits, and create goals. Varsana teaches that through these processes one can learn how to break through the cycles that bind us into making ongoing bad choices, and instead, make informed decisions that will contribute to fulfillment, the achievement of personal goals, and ultimately, to happiness. Also available is The Ayurveda Experiment Companion Journal. Varsana Lali Devi Dasi (born Lisa Marchand) has always been a seeker. While growing up in a tumultuous environment, she was drawn to ask questions about the bigger picture. What was the cause of her suffering and what could she do to make the best of it? As she searched for the truth in the ancient texts of India, Bhakti Yoga, and later through the principles of Ayurveda, Varsana not only found relief from her suffering, but also discovered her purpose, community, and the key to a meaningful life. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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