Get FOCUSED, Increase Productivity & Concentrate On WHAT MATTERS | Amishi Jha

Get FOCUSED, Increase Productivity & Concentrate On WHAT MATTERS | Amishi Jha

My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder - and get the bonuses she’s created for you - at When you read this book, Lisa will teach you 10 No-BS Life Lessons to become the hero of your own life and take MASSIVE bold action to achieve your potential! When you are committed to hitting major goals, experiencing life on the next level, and showing up as a better version of yourself, being able to focus becomes a critical skill. Being able to give your full attention to what matters in the moment is necessary whether your focus is work or involves being present in a conversation. Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at University of Miami and author of the new book, Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day. She is unpacking why your wandering mind isn’t as big a problem as you think, how memories are formed and stories are ultimately created and stitched together to create our version of reality. If you’re struggling with being distracted, the different types of practices Amishi shares will give you a place to start immediately! Check out Amishi Jha’s book, Peak Mind: SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Amishi Jha
0:52 | Why Mind Wandering Happens
4:13 | Memories and Neural Configuration
13:20 | Assigning Meaning to Dreams
16:20 | Accurate or Altered Memories
21:11 | Nostalgic Story Making 28:53 | Risky Story Making
34:31 | Break Story Mode
39:34 | Developing Meta Awareness
47:06 | Constructing Reality
53:07 | The Power of Mindfulness
1:02:07 | How to Practice Being Mindful
1:11:14 | Types of Mindfulness Practice
1:17:01 | Why Positivity Doesn’t Work
1:24:27 | Loving Kindness QUOTES: “There is no objectivity in the way we remember. There's no point of that. The point of memory is to support our actions in the future.” [20:14] “My caution regarding stories is in our drive, in our desire to make something have meaning, [..] I may lose some aspect of what is useful and what is true.” [29:58] “When we take an observational stance, we can actually see the structure of the story, and that is very powerful.” [38:57] “In your pocket at all times, is the ability to let it go.” Tom Bilyeu [57:02] “Unless we are actively keeping the contents of our conscious experience, refreshed and rewritten moment by moment, they will fade away.” [58:36] Follow Amishi Jha: Website: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
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